Stop procrastinating!

I’ve been asked by a few people lately whether I’ve changed in any way as a result of having had cancer – and if so what’s changed? I would say three things in the main have changed:

    I’m much more aware of my body. This sound like a strange thing to say and I’m not saying I’m now a hypochondriac, but if you’ve been through the mill and have been put back together you’re not the same. This isn’t a negative as such I just know which bits aren’t working as well, may need a bit of help and therefore need a bit of TLC OR a kick up the arse! As is the case with my left arm! Yes random I know 🙄
    I try not to procrastinate. My Dad used to say “Elizabeth (full Sunday name) stop procrastinating and get on with it”. He’s right. If you want to do something and you’re mentally and physically able – bloody do it. Meeting up with old friends, starting a new hobby, getting a tattoo, booking that holiday, doing something bold and risky. Just get on with it! If you’re boring yourself by complaining about how much you hate your job – do something about it! Believe it or not you are the only one who can do something about it – what are you waiting for? Time isn’t infinite. Also please don’t give empty promises. If you don’t want to do something just say no. It’s ok to say no, just don’t get my hopes up.
    I need to do what I can to help improve cancer services for future generations. I have a vested interest in ensuring my voice and experiences are heard and that I influence strategically cancer care going forwards. Archie and Elsie have a 50% chance of having the dodgy BRCA2 gene. I won’t be consumed by it. But I need to do this. I am in a good position already within the NHS and have a good level of knowledge and expertise to be able to influence. And so it begins …
  • Patient engagement

  • Recently I had my first experience attending a cancer service improvement meeting as a patient. It’s the start of what I hope will be a regular contribution to developing and improving services going forwards. It was arranged by NHS England (who pay for services) and our Cancer Alliances who help to develop and deliver services. They also want to improve how they engage with their patients – this being important because lived experiences are invaluable and it helps improve the quality of the decisions made.
  • On paper it sounds like it could be a nightmare, and there is a high risk that it could turn into a rant-fest with disgruntled patients – as some would have had bad experiences but some better. Either way they are there because they want to improve how things are done. It was incredibly empowering attending as a patient I really felt like I was contributing.
  • I intend to contribute towards the continued improvement of cancer services, and to raise awareness of hereditary breast cancer.
  • And so Dad as you can already see I am not procrastinating 🙄😘
  • Liz Spice, 20 October 2018
  • 5 Replies to “Stop procrastinating!”

    1. You are so right, I applaud you for your determination, and it is the old adge life is too short, and it is worth living so live it. Good luck with the new venture, I am sure it will be good for people who are suffering with cancer and also for the person who is caring. Love your spirit 😀

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